The library has collection of 46,000 volumes both in English and Oriental languages. Works of great mystic poets and writers are available. Latest books on management, business administration, technology, fine arts, architecture, Iqbaliat and social sciences are being continuously acquired. Special attention has been paid to the collection of comprehensive literature on Islam and the Muslim world.
A fine collection of books has been developed systematically through subject specialists. Urgently needed books are acquired by the librarian. The prominent book sellers are asked to supply the latest books on approval basis. The library aims to provide demanded books on urgent basis and in order to do so; the librarian keeps a ‘bible’ (register/suggestion book) for recording such requests. It is endeavored to provide the indents within three days; failing which the requisitioner has the option of buying the book and claiming a refund thereon. This keeps the library under check with the objective that when a particular book is needed and is not available, the library should not fail in meeting this demand.
Non-cash donations are accepted from individuals or donors. The library received a substantial book collection from Asia Foundation, Punjab Library Foundation, Individuals etc. The late Prof. Shuja-ud-Din of Dyal Singh College donated his entire collection of history to this library.
Most of the books are displayed in open shelves and arranged by subjects. Oversized books, atlases, dictionaries are shelved in separate almirahs. Pamphlets are kept in study boxes. New books are displayed for a month on a special shelf with guide slip “New Arrivals”. Arrangement of books on shelves is in accordance with the Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme.
Each book is given a class number which reflects its subjects and determines its place on the shelf. The class numbers appearing on the spines of the books indicate the location of the books on the shelves. It consists of atleast 3 digits; if longer than 3, the number is broken by a decimal point e.g. 300.942. Reference books are identified by ‘R’.
25 periodicals including 6 foreign both in English and Urdu are being subscribed. 12 local newspapers both in English and Urdu are available to the readers. Apart from that a good number of periodicals are regularly received on complimentary basis.